Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to Shop... at Publix

Hi guys. Long time no blog. Sorry about that... I kind of fell off the blogging trail for a little while there, but I feel like I'm ready to get back in full force, with some new ideas and inspiration. For now though I'm going to continue the "How to Shop at..." series by talking about a favorite grocery store for college students: Publix.

Publix is a pretty good place to shop at for couponers; they have some really great features... if you know how to work them. That being said, I wouldn't shop at Publix just for everyday groceries, since their prices across the board tend to be higher than at Kroger or Ingles. But as I said, Publix is great for couponers, or even just people who are a little bit sales-savvy. Here's why:

  • BOGO sales. Publix doesn't have a shopper's card like Ingles and Kroger do, so what sets them apart? Their Buy One Get One sales. These are awesome. Every week, there are tons of items BOGO at Publix. (Stuff you actually buy, like Kellogg's or Playtex.) And at Publix, you don't need to buy two of the items. You can buy one and you'll get it for half the regular retail price. Combine that with a coupon and you will see awesome savings. Make sure to get a rain check if the items are sold out when you go. 
  • Publix doubles coupons... and stacks coupons. Most grocery stores (Kroger, Ingles, Bell's, etc.) in Athens double manufacturer coupons up to 50 cents (that means a 35 cent coupon will get you 70 cents off), but Publix goes above and beyond and stacks coupons. This means, unlike at other stores, you can have one store coupon and one manufacturer coupon per item. Publix store coupons can often be found in the Sunday paper or in the front of the store in the lobby. 
  • Publix also accepts competitor's coupons. They've revamped their policy a little bit, but the basic gist of it is, Publix will accept competitor's coupons within a reasonable distance (meaning you couldn't use a Harris Teeter coupon in Athens, because there's no Harris Teeter anywhere near here). I also believe the coupon has to be from a store with a deli department; this means no CVS or Rite Aid coupons. But, good news for Athens, from what I hear, Publix accepts Earth Fare coupons... try it out next time you're there and see what happens. 
  • Penny items! Jenny from Southern Savers gives a good explanation as to what the penny item is: "You can get the Publix Penny item with any purchase that is $10 or more before coupons. There is a Mystery Penny Item coupon in the Wednesday or Thursday Paper every week . Some stores do not require this coupon, but many have changed and do require it now, check with your store to find their policy. The Penny Item is for one day only, and will be the day that the ad starts in your area."
  • I kind of lied when I said there was no shopper's card. There isn't a card required to get the savings at Publix, but if you participate in Upromise or Saving Star (which you should!), you can head to the Publix customer service desk to pick up a Publix shopper's card made specifically for these programs. 
Sorry again for the looooooong break in posting... I have just been super busy doing other things (like watching Lost... oops), but I'm back and ready to help y'all save some money. 

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